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Docteur Luigi NOVELLI

Médecin Radiologue


- Curriculum Vitae

- Publications scientifiques

- Abstracts, congrès et cours

Radiologie Interventionnelle Embolisation Docteur Novelli Peupliers

Curriculum Vitae


Juillet 1999 : Doctorat en Médecine et Chirurgie.

Reçu : 110/110 avec félicitations


Octobre 2003 : Diplôme en Radiologie

70/70 avec félicitations du jury


2003 : Interne boursier au Département de Radiologie Interventionelle

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Columbia University, New York, USA

Directeur Professeur Z.Haskal.                     



Post Internat :


2004 : Résident, Département de Radiologie Interventionnelle   

Hôpital Erasme. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique.


November 2005 : Chef de Clinique. Service de Radiologie Cardiovasculaire

Hôpital G.Pompidou, Paris, France.


Décembre 2007 : Attaché Service de Radiologie Cardiovasculaire

Hôpital G.Pompidou, Paris, France.


Novembre 2008 : Praticien Hospitalier Service de Radiologie Hôpital H. Mondor, Créteil, France

 Radiologue réfèrent Centre Fibrome Hôpital Paris St-Joseph, Paris, France.


2018 :  Hôpital Prive des Peupliers, Paris, France


Publications scientifiques


1)Drudi FM, Poggi R, Trenta F, Manganaro F, Novelli L, Passierello R.

Contrast media in ultrasonography. Vascular anatomy of the transplanted kidney.

Radiol Med (Torino). 1998 May;95(5 Suppl 1):64-6.


2)Drudi FM, Ricci P, Iannicelli E , Di Nardo R,Novelli L, Laghi A,Perugia G, Passierello R.

Multiple prostatic biopsies in the "gray zone" of the specific prostatic antigen.

Radiol Med (Torino). 2000 Jan-Feb;99(1-2):81-5.


3)Drudi FM,Novelli L .Ultrasound and Color Doppler in Nephrology.

Testbook.Polletto Editor 1999.


4)Novelli G,Rossi M,Pretagostini R,Poli L,Novelli L,Berloco P,Ferretti G,Iappelli M,Cortesini R.

MARS (Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System): experience in 34 cases of acute liver failure.

Liver. 2002;22 Suppl 2:43-7.


5) Novelli G., M.D., Rossi M., M.D., Pretagostini R., M.D., Novelli L. M.D., Poli L, M.D., Ferretti G. M.D.,  Iappelli M., MD, Berloco P., MD. Cortesini R., MD.

A three year experience with MARS (Molecular Absorbent Recirculating System): our results on 63 patients with Hepatic Failure and Color-Doppler US evaluation of Cerebral Perfusion.

Liver Int. 2003;23 Suppl 3:10-5.


6) Chevallier P, Novelli L, Motamedi JP, Hastier P, Brunner P, Bruneton JN.

Hepatopulmonary syndrome successfully treated with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt: a three-year follow-up.

J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2004 Jun;15(6):647-8.


7)  Novelli G, Rossi M, Ferretti G, Nudo F, Bussotti A, Mennini G, Novelli L, Ferretti S, Antonellis F, Martelli S, Berloco PB.

Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System Treatment for Acute Hepatic Failure in Patients With Hepatitis B Undergoing Chemotherapy for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Transplant Proc. 2005 Jul-Aug;37(6):2560-2


8) Novelli G, Rossi M, Pretagostini M, Pugliese F, Ruberto F, Novelli L, Nudo F, Bussotti A, Corradini S, Martelli S, Berloco PB.

One hundred sixteen cases of acute liver failure treated with Mars.

Transplant Proc. 2005 Jul-Aug;37(6):2557-9.


9) Sapoval M, Pellerin O, Novelli L.

Prise en charge de l’ischemie critique par la radiologie interventionelle.

Bull Acad Natle Med, 2006 ,190, n°3,635-649.


10)Luigi Novelli , Alain Raynaud  ,Olivier Pellerin ., Thierry Carreres , Marc Sapoval.

Percutaneous manual aspiration embolectomy of renal vein thrombosis due to acute pyelonephritis.

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2007 Sep-Oct;30(5):1075-8.


11)Pellerin O,Barral FG,Lions C,Novelli L,Beregi JP,Sapoval M

Early and Late Retrieval of the ALN Removable Vena Cava Filter: Results from a Multicenter Study.

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2008 May 21. Epub ahead of print


12) Pellerin O, Caruba T, Kandounakis Y, Novelli L, Pineau J, Prognon P, Sapoval M.

Embolization of the Internal Iliac Artery: Cost-Effectiveness of Two Different Techniques.

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2008 Jul 9. Epub ahead of print


13) Raynaud A, Novelli L, Bourquelot P, Stolba J, Beyssen B, Franco G.

Low-flow maturation failure of distal accesses: Treatment by angioplasty of forearm arteries.

J Vasc Surg. 2009 Apr;49(4):995-9. Epub 2009 Feb 26


14) Raynaud A, Novelli L, Rovani X, Carreres T, Bourquelot P, Hermelin A, Angel C, Beyssen B.

Radiocephalic Fistula Complicated by Distal Ischemia: Treatment by Ulnar Artery Dilatation.

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2009 Jul 30.


15) Chiaradia M, Novelli L, Deux JF, Tacher V, Mayer J, You K, Djabbari M, Luciani A, Rahmouni A, Kobeiter H.

Ruptured visceral artery aneurysms.

Diagn Interv Imaging. 2015 Jul-Aug;96(7-8):797-806. doi: 10.1016/j.diii.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Jun 6.


16) Mayer J, Tacher V, Novelli L, Djabbari M, You K, Chiaradia M, Deux JF, Kobeiter H.

Post-procedure bleeding in interventional radiology.

Diagn Interv Imaging. 2015 Jul-Aug;96(7-8):797-806. doi: 10.1016/j.diii.2015.03.012. Epub 2015 Jun 6. Review.


17) Tacher V, Petit A, Derbel H, Novelli L, Vitellius M, Ridouani F, Luciani A, Rahmouni A, Duvoux C, Salloum C, Chiaradia M, Kobeiter H.

Three-dimensional Image Fusion Guidance for Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Placement.

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2017 May 17. doi: 10.1007/s00270-017-1699-9. 

Publications scientifiques

Abstracts, congrès et cours


  • “The role of US in the abdominal emergencies.” Abstract. Italian Congress of Ultrasonology. 1997.


  • “Vascular anatomy of transplanted kidney.Evaluation with color and power Doppler us before and after contrast media injection.”Abstract.Italian Congress of Ultrasonology.1997.


  • - “Vascular anatomy of transplanted kidney.Evaluation with color and power Doppler us before and after contrast media injection.” Abstract.VIII Congress of World Federation for Biology and Ultrasound.Buenos Aires.Argentina.1997.


  • “Evaluation of normal cortical vascularity in renal trasplants:Role of Power Doppler using

Echo contrast agents.”Abstract.European Congress of  Radiology.Vienna.Austria. 1998.


  • “Color and power Doppler us evaluation of chronic rejection in renal trasplants:Role of  echo contrast agents.”Abstract.Congress of Italian Society of Radiology. 1998.


  • “The role of US in the abdominal emergencies” Abstract.Congress of Italian Society of Radiology. 1998.


  • “Elderly cadaveric donor and  kidney transplantation”. Abstract.Congress of Italian Society of Transèlantation. 1999.

- “Color Doppler using echo enhancer.Wash-in wash-out curves in the evaluation of renal transplant diseases”. Abstract.European Congress of  Radiology.Vienna.Austria. 1999.

- “Color and power Doppler us with contrast agents evaluation of chronic rejection in renal trasplants”. Abstract.European Congress of  Radiology.Vienna.Austria. 1999.


  • “Color Doppler us with contrast agents versus FNA in the evaluation  of renal transplants f chronic rejection in pediatric patients.”Abstract. Italian Congress of Ultrasonology. 1999.


  • “US evaluation of salivar glands in pediatric patients affected by H.I.V.” Abstract. Italian Congress of Ultrasonology. 1999.


  • “Us Evaluation of anal fistulas after injection of saline soluction” Abstract. Italian Congress of Ultrasonology. 1999.(Award for the best presentation)

       -  “Color and power Doppler us evaluation of chronic rejection in renal trasplants:Role of  echo   contrast agents.”Abstract. Italian Congress of Ultrasonology. 1999.


  • “Color Doppler us with contrast agents versus FNA in the evaluation  of renal transplants f chronic rejection in pediatric patients.”Abstract.RSNA.1999.Chicago,USA.


  • “Artificial device(MARS) in the treatment of acute liver failure and Color Doppler Us evaluation of cerebral blood flow after the treatment.”Abstract.Artificial Internal Organ s Society Congress.New York ,USA.2002.

         - “ MARS(Molecular Absorption  Recirculating System): our experience on 43 cases of acute  

liver failure.”Abstract.Annual Congress of International Transplantation Society.Miami.USA.2002.


  • “A three year experience with MARS (Molecular Absorbent Recirculating System): our   results on 63 patients with Hepatic Failure and Color-Doppler US evaluation of Cerebral Perfusion.” Abstract.Artificial Internal Organs Society Congress.Washington ,USA.2003.


  • -“Color-Doppler US evaluation of Hepatic perfusion before and after  MARS (Molecular Absorbent Recirculating System) treatment.” .” Abstract.Artificial Internal Organs Society Congress.Washington ,USA.2003.


  • Deep femoral artery angioplasty. Femoral 2006.Paris.


  • Multicentric results of early and late vena cava filter retrieval. SIR 2006


  • Internal iliac artery embolization with plug amplazterpreliminary experience.


  • CIRSE 2006.


  • Multicentric results of early and late vena cava filter retrieval. CIRSE 2006


  • Filtre cave type ALN:Experience chez 76 patients consecutifs.JFR 2006.


  • Embolisation de l’artere iliaque externe.Comparaison du cout de deux technique. JFR 2006.

-Maturation failure of distal accesses : treatment by forearm arteries angioplasty. Congress      of the Vascular access society of America’s.Orlando May 2008

Abstracts, congres, cours

En collaboration avec 


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Radiologie Interventionnelle Embolisation Docteur Novelli Peupliers
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